Vibrant Mama

Plant Medicine

Weekly Wellness Workshop

Weekly Wellness Workshop

Join us online through Zoom every Monday night at 7pm CT/8pm ET for a fun, informative, and interactive workshop!

You will hear ground breaking science, testimonials, and practical tips and ideas to uplevel your health and wellness.

Essential Oils : Nature’s Medicine

What are they?

Essential Oils are made from plants and have both physical and emotional benefits. They are distilled from leaves, flowers, tree bark, seeds, or rind of fruit in concentrated amounts.
One drop of a dōTERRA essential oil has a powerful effect on the body making them an affordable alternative at just pennies per use!

Why use them?

As a form of alternative medicine, essential oils support health and well-being. They have been shown to improve a variety of health concerns and assist in realizing your health goals.

How do I use them?

Aromatically - Breathe in or use a diffuser to open up airways, improve mood, or freshen the air.

Topically - Use a carrier oil when applying to bottoms of feet or affected areas to target specific needs.

Internally - Drop in water, under tongue, or in veggie capsule to support mouth, throat, digestive system, or overall health.

How do I get started?

If you are ready to get started on your health journey I recommend grabbing a kit! This one or this one are my top two favorites to get you started!

If you are interested in learning more about the business side of what I do, I’d love to answer any questions and give you info…no strings attached! Just click here to get in touch!

Lindsey has taught be so much about natural health, essential oils, and supplements. She has a ton of knowledge and experience! She genuinely cares and is passionate about helping people.

— Celeste N., Client

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.